marketing landing pages are built to convert

Increase your return on investment without increasing your ad spend.

what is a marketing landing page?

marketing landing pages are pages with a single goal or action you’d like a customer to take

Marketing landing pages are the best way to speak to specific audiences and have them focus on an offering. Marketing landing pages convert better than sending people to your homepage and increase return on investment without increasing your ad spend.

why are landing pages better than homepages?

It’s all about focus and what you want your customers to do



marketing landing page

Gives an overview of your company

Has lots of different pages users can go to

Clear goal or call to action (CTA) on the page

Language that speaks directly to a specific audience

Higher conversion rate from ads

Is good for testing different campaigns and copy


optimized for mobile

70%+ of traffic on paid social campaigns are mobile users. You can then create pages that are optimized for the mobile experience and mobile conversions.

preferred ad placement

With targeted landing pages, visitors get exactly what they expect when they click through. This translates to higher ad rankings and lower costs-per-click.

templates that let you to scale

Creating landing page templates means you don’t need a developer for each page you create. We do the heavy lifting to create pages that can be spun up instantly and customized by your team without the need for a developer.

get more bang for your buckwith your campaigns

We had a client that was spending over $100 per conversion on ads that were sending customers to a homepage, expecting users to figure it out. Appundits instead built them a page targeted to their audience and custom tailored to their messaging. With the new marketing landing page, we increased the effectiveness of their ads and lowered their acquisition costs from $100 to $10 (90% improvement).

use cases for marketing landing pages


growing your email list

Whether your customers are signing up for a newsletter or a giveaway, landing pages let you focus on that sign up form, without distractions. This lets you explain the benefits of signing up and increase the chances of them completing it.

selling a product

This may seem like an obvious one, but you’d be surprised how often stores throw too much info at customers and lessen their chances of converting. Landing pages let you laser focus your messaging on why they should purchase and getting that sale.

speaking to a specific audience

If you’re selling running shoes, there’s a big difference between someone starting a new morning jog routine and someone training for their next marathon. Your homepage might work for both, but a landing page can speak to their specific needs and offer them a product or solution that is unique to them, improving your chances of getting their business.

educating about a part of your business

Businesses often have a lot of different offerings for their clients. The homepage is a great place to lay it all out and let users choose, but landing pages allow you to skip right to the services certain customers are looking for. You can go deeper on what you offer with an audience you already know is interested and increase your chances of getting their business.


split traffic from a single ad campaign

Find out which page works best for your ads. As a winner emerges, switch to that page easily.

target your audience(s)

Connecting with your customer is incredibly important to build trust and authority. With the flexibility of multiple landing pages, you can add targeted copy that speaks to different pain points or segments of your audience without diluting your messaging.

testing is easier

Split landing pages make tracking the effectiveness of your changes easy and let you make informed decisions on where to spend your money.

test your messaging and offerings without making huge changes

Marketing landing pages let you experiment with your copy and messaging to best connect with your audience and customers. Your team should be empowered to try new things and continue to improve, without having to worry about spending a lot on development costs.

we’ve had success with clients focused on ecommerce, subscriptions and sign-ups


Our process

discovery & strategy

We run collaborative Discovery workshops with your team to help us understand your customers along with their goals and your goals for the site as well. We then work with you to create a prioritized feature list and roadmap for the project so your team will know what to expect going forward.


We will run a Design workshop that helps us understand what you like about your current site and where we can take inspiration for improvements. We’ll then finalize a brand look and feel and design the pages of the site.


Taking the approved designs, we develop the site with the ultimate goal of letting you manage it. We make sure to keep as much of the management of the site going forward in your hands so you don’t need extra development work to keep your business running.

testing & launch

Before launch, we run exhaustive QA testing and ensure that you have time for testing as well. This gives you an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the site and gives us the chance to train you on managing the site going forward. Once we’re bug free, then we launch and monitor the site for any unforeseen issues over the next 30 days.

“We’ve partnered with First&Third for the past 3 years – and the length of our partnership is a testament to the quality of their work and team. Everyone on their team has been attentive, responsive and extremely easy to work with. Our company’s needs are ever changing, and we’re usually on very aggressive schedules. Despite this, they have successfully tackled all of our Shopify Plus needs, including one-off custom requests. I highly recommend them without hesitation.”

Channing Chor, Co-Founder, Chief Operating Officer – Molecule


will I need a developer every time I need a new landing page?

Nope! Our goal is to create marketing landing page templates that you can spin up at any time, without the need for a developer or a code push. This gives you full control over your campaigns and your marketing strategy.

how long until I see an impact on my marketing campaigns?

In most cases, right away. Changing the landing page of your ads should impact your conversion immediately. This also means tests start yielding results right away.

is it easy to add marketing landing pages to my existing website?

Absolutely. Appundits specializes in creating pages that you can manage, which includes creating marketing landing page templates. We’ll build the templates to work with your existing website and make it so your team can launch a new page with the click of a few buttons.

why can’t I use an existing page on my website as a landing page?

You can, but why waste your ad dollars? When you send potential customers to your site you want them to focus on converting, and with distracting menu bars and alternate paths, a landing page that isn’t targeted to them isn’t setting them (and you) up for success.